He headed back up to far northern NM for some more camping with friends. We ended up finding a spot a quarter mile from where the Continental Divide trail passes through.

One of my memories to preserve: Emerson was very proud to have learned how to operate his lighter by himself, and to light the campfire. (I removed the safety spring on one of the smaller lighters, and now it’s as if it was designed for kids.)
It was a successful camp, though part of me knows we could have found a bit nicer campsite. Sometimes the flat, shady spots that humans find conducive to camping are also attractive to grazing cattle. We ended up dodging (and moving, when unavoidable) cow patties.

On the way out we scouted a superior spot with one hell of a view, for the next time. Perhaps we’ll get back up there in the fall, when the aspens are changing color.

Also, I want to express how grateful we are to our friends for joining us for a long drive to camp up in this beautiful area.